O then dance around the spinning wheel Grab your partners for a reel Dance around and around the spinning wheel And I'd love to dance with Pegg O'Neil O then dance with me o my charming one With your gold and gold and slippers on...
I'll buy you silk and holes to wear I'll buy you ribbons all for your hair The sun and moon for you I'll steel If you dance with me my Pegg O'Neil...
Hands across and made to ring All together now let us sing We 'll go to dance the Sligo reel And I'm going to dance with Pegg O'Neil...
The original version is a bit different:
Dance round the spinning wheel, Pick your partners for a reel, Three times round the spinning wheel, I'd like to dance with Mary Neil. Get your partners into line, Keep in step and mind the time, Now we'll dance the fairy reel, And I'm going to dance with Mary Neil.
chorus Dance with me O charming one, With the golden slippers on, Dance with me O charming one, With the golden slippers on.
I'll buy you silken hose to wear, I'll buy you ribbons for your hair, The sun and moon for you I'll steal, If you'll dance with me, dear Mary Neil, Hands across and make the ring, All together let us sing. Three times around the spinning wheel, I'm going to dance with Mary Neil.
First to the heel and then to the toe, Round about and off we go, Circle to left and round the wheel, I'm going to dance with Mary Neil, I'll buy for you a gown of green Finer than you have ever seen, You will look grander than a ueen, If you dance with me, dear Mary Neil.
Swing you partner round about Now to left and in and out, And then around the spinning wheel, I'm going to dance with Mary Neil, Your gown of red and white and green, Trips around the spinning wheel, Your fairy feet I cannot feel, You dance so lightly, Mary Neil.