A little sugar for the low life A spice of fair trade pepper up the Hollywood nose Until there comes the chili cheese man The great, almighty boss... It's the Wizard of Oz Side by side with all his witches You got the wounds... He gives you stitches Overflow of paid endorphins For all us, broken souls and all the orphans
Welcome to the great little show Take your meds until you're ready to go
A little cross to nail the heart on A little bitch to teach you the meaning of love And I don't mind when I get manic When you're the boat in Jaws, I'm the Titanic You ask for truth and you should get it Look in the mirror... Without the panic Five to one may be a doors song But in this life it's always one for five
Welcome to the great little show Take your meds until you're ready to go Give us love and give us the pain Shoot the shit right up our veins