I was asleep in a hammock I was dreaming that I was a web I was a dream-catcher Hanging in the window of a minivan Parked along the water's edge
I'd say that I was all alone I'd say that I was all alone I'd say that I was all alone But I will never be born as a scorpion
You're gonna be okay come morning Find your legs And find your horns And everybody gotta be reborn But never be born as a scorpion
And Everybody gotta Gotta be reborn But you will never be born as a scorpion
And you're gonna be okay come morning Find your legs And find your horns 'cause You're not just another pair of boat shoes Walking away from the harbor
Cloud shadow on the mountain Cloud shadow on the plains Cloud shadow make an island nation On the fabric of this terrain
You gotta jump jump over the island Like a gazelle You gotta jump over the island Like a new long legged gazelle
But you will never be born As a scorpion You will never be born As a scorpion Or just another pair of boat shoes Walking away from the harbor Just another pair of boat shoes Walking away from the harbor
You're gonna be okay come morning Find your legs And find your horns And everybody gotta be reborn But you will never be born as a scorpion And everybody gotta gotta be reborn But you will never be born as a scorpion