St Patrick's Day For the shamrock make way For the green, white and gold and the harp bright and gold With the great marching bands Playing songs of Ireland and the bright Irish eyes Singing out to the sky For the Irish have seen there 'll be pride in the green In Boston, New York in Dublin and in Cork
For St Patrick's Day Is Ireland's greatest day So lets say hip hooray For St Patrick's Day
In New York there 'll be marching the greatest t.v seen Pipers there 'll be piping the orange, white and green the Irish will remember and dance the world around In London and in Glasgow and down in Melbourne town All girls and boys in Dublin Sing out them Irish songs Rebels all from Denigall Sing Ireland's rights and wrongs In Boston and Chicago they'll dance to jigs and reels And sing the songs of Ireland and of it's four green fields
For the Irish have seen there will be pint in the green? In Boston, New York in Dublin and in Cork
For St Patrick's Day Is Ireland's greatest day So lets say hip hooray For St Patrick's Day
St Patrick was a gentleman who came to Ireland sod and banished all the serpents away from Irish bogs some people say the devil was on Kilarney shore So he never went to Kerry or so the story goes He traveled on to Ulster , to Karnock and the west and he went to riotara and the king himself he blessed to all the flees of Ireland who live the world around who want to share the day with us Our welcomes to be found
For St Patrick's Day Is Ireland's greatest day So lets say hip hooray For St Patrick's Day