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wtnv - 2 - Glow Cloud | Текст песни

The desert seems vast, even endless. And yet, scientists tell us that somewhere, even now, there is snow. Welcome to Night Vale.

The Night Vale Tourism Board’s “Visitable Night Vale” campaign has kicked off with posters, encouraging folks to take their family on a scenery-filled jaunt through the trails of Radon Canyon. Their slogan? “The view is literally breathtaking.” Posters will be placed at police stations and frozen yogurt shops in nearby towns, along with promotional giveaways of plastic sheeting and re-breathers.

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And now, the news.

Have any of our listeners seen the glowing cloud that has been moving in from the west? Well, John Peters - you know, the farmer? - he saw it over the western ridge this morning. Said he would’ve thought it was the setting sun if it wasn’t for the time of day. Apparently, the cloud glows in a variety of colors, perhaps changing from observer to observer, although all report a low whistling when it draws near.

One death has already been attributed to the glow cloud. But listen, it’s probably nothing. If we had to shut down the town for every mysterious event that at least one death could be attributed to, we’d never have time to do anything, right? That’s what the Sheriff’s Secret Police are saying, and I agree. Although, I would not go so far as to endorse their suggestion to “run directly at the cloud, shrieking and waving your arms, just to see what it does”.

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The Apache Tracker - and I remind you that this is that white guy who wears the huge and cartoonishly inaccurate Indian headdress - has announced that he has found some disturbing evidence concerning the recent incident at the Night Vale Post Office, which has been sealed by the City Council since the great screaming that was heard from it a few weeks ago.

He said that using ancient Indian magicks, he slipped through council security into the post office and observed that all the letters and packages had been thrown about, as in a whirlwind. That there was the heavy stench of scorched flesh. That the words written in blood on the wall said, “More to come, and soon.”

Can you believe this guy said he used “Indian magicks”? What an asshole.

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Here’s something odd - there is a cat hovering in the men’s bathroom at the radio station here. He seems perfectly happy and healthy, but it’s floating about four feet off the ground next to the sink. Doesn’t seem to be able to move from its current hover spot. If you pet him, he purrs, and he’ll rub on your body like a normal cat if you get close enough.

Fortunately because he’s right by the sink, it was pretty easy to leave some water and food where he could get it, and it’s nice to have a station pet. Wish it wasn’t trapped in a hovering prison in the men’s bathroom, but listen - no pet is perfect. It becomes perfect when you learn to accept it for what it is.

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And now, a message from our sponsors.

I took a walk on the cool sand dunes, brittle grass overgrown, and above me, in the night sky above me, I saw. Bitter taste of unripe peaches and a smell I could not place, nor could I escape. I remembered other times that I could not escape. I remembered other smells. The moon slunk like a wounded animal. The world spun like it had lost control. Concentrate only on breathing and let go of ideas you had about nutrition and alarm clocks. I took a walk on the cool sand dunes, brittle grass overgrown, and above me, in the night sky above me, I saw.

This message was brought to you by Coca Cola.

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The City Council, in cooperation with government agents from a vague, yet menacing agency, is asking all citizens to stop by the Night Vale elementary school gymnasium tonight at 7 for a brief questionnaire about mysterious sights that definitely no one saw, and strange thoughts that in no wa

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