These things just took over me Just took over my whole body So I can't even see no more I'm calling my black woman a bitch I'm calling my peoples all kinds of thing that they not I'm lost brother, can you help me? Can you help me brother, please?
You see what we did, we lost the love I'm talking 'bout the love, the love of your own But brother, but brother, but brother, check this out I still don't understand, man, I'm all high off this shit, man
Well, what I'm trying to say my brother Why, why do we kill each other? Look at our children, what kind of a future? This is the training that's gonna be given to you By the Wu, brothers and sisters, the revolution, the revolution It's time to rise and take our place Will be televised, televised, so we can inherit the universe The planet earth belongs to God, this is ninety, ninety, ninety-seven
Every square inch of it that he chose for himself is the best part Yeah, the revolution should be, televised By every strong woman to the highest power You'll find a strong man and by every strong man You'll find a strong woman, won't you agree? The universe is not completed without the sun, moon, and stars Won't you be for real? That's man, woman, and child To the highest power, to all you fake ass niggas
Who think you gonna survive out here Without your black woman, you're wrong They have attraction powers on the planet, I wanna be free We are original man, the Asiatic black man The maker, the Arthur, the cream of the planet earth Wanna be free, yeah Father of civilization and daughter of the universe Want to be free, oh yeah
The population was seventeen men with the two man Indians Making a total of nineteen men for all Being, for all men, all over the planet earth Magneta, magneta, magneta, Wu revolution king, yeah Arise you God's 'cuz the time for the revolutional war That's the mental war Malcolm X, Malcolm X, Malcolm X That's the battle between God and devil, gonna be free
Take the devil off your plane, take him off your mental mentality Take him off your brain, make a change from my mind Leave all the cigarettes and guns, the alcohol and everything That's the mental devil that exists within your body Take this pain that's destroying and decaying your mind Take these chains off my mind, the mind controls the body Everything within must come out, want to be free Don't look towards the sky 'cuz there's no heaven above
Don't look down beneath your feet, there's no hell below Want to be free but heaven and hell exist within Heaven is what you make it and hell is what you're going through There is only one God, there is a whole new one, faith There is a holy one world, revolution, yeah At one time it was told to me, yeah That man came from monkeys, ha ha ha That we were swingin' from trees
I hardly can believe that unless I'm dumb deaf and blind Save the children, you ever heard about, the ape man? Gonna be free and the ape woman? Hey, want to be free You have a mankind, that has a beginning to him And his ending is about to come, ooh, yeah If you take one step I will take one with you Through the stormy vein swim the deepest sea, with you my brother
I know, you got to be strong, gotta hold on Now the story is about to close, it was a hundred percent of us Save the children that came on the slave ships Eighty five percent of our people, they're our future Was uncivilized, poison animal eaters They're slaves of the mental powers, save the children They don't know who the true and living God is And all the orchards in the world, save the children
So they worship what they know not And they're easily lead in the wrong direction And hard to be lead in the right And now you got the te