I think a lot about what a fuck happens around me and my close people, and where the world goes, aaaaand it goes to hell, shit
you can dont even look tv, just go outside and you see, drunk smoking peace of sheets everywhere, thats discusting, but thats normal, they work for peace of paper, read - MONEY,
and spend this for poison, maybe to die faster, maybe to i dont know fucking why, but they do it, they like it, so fuck it.
Work for fucking paper too, trying to be not so stupid, but anyway all this kind if shit always pushing me and my mind
i want to take shotgun and kill somebode and maybe then world became a little more clean, and maybe, if other adequate people will do the same the word become really cleaned, fuuuuckl
fuuuuck you aaallll , and me, cuz im still, not kill anyone, bud i do, and fuck you, i kill you too, and you too, and you all, and suck my ball
take a shotgun a kill someone! right now, its time clean this place, called earth and im will be first