1. Der Zykus - Plan Oblique 2. Torq - Angelic Voices 3. Rekord 61 - Vremya - Rolando R3 Remix 4. Heiko Laux - Retelevised 5. The Delta - Deep And Bleep 6. Gary Martin - Galaxy Style - Rolando Remix 7. Moteka - Imminent Landscape - Xhin Remix 8. DJ Hyperactive - Venus - Ciren Remix 9. Mentis - Blicz - F1avio Remix 10. Vin Sol - Cookies 11. Mark Williams - Reconstructed Time 12. Chaos - The Safety Is Off 13. High Mobility Weapons Unit - Counter Rockets 14. MTD - Lobotomy - Jeff Rushin Remix 15. Basic Implant - Ohrenbluten2 - Sven Dedek Hardmix 16. Diego Hostettler - We Have Your Satellite 17. Kalli - Shifty Tessa 18. Johannes Volk - Earthbound 19. Alter Ego - Lycra - Luke Slater’s Dinosour Mix 20. Terrence Dixon - The Parkhurst 21. Blaktony - The Rogue Optic Nerve LED Mix 22. Juan Atkins & Moritz Von Oswald - Riod 23. Commodity Place - Soils