Verse I: Through ice and fire Dark and light The clash of realms That none shall sight He who was brought through Elivagar's venom And through whom rose the world of human Ymir the Joten the source of all
Verse II: In a prison of ice There he lays But freedom he gained In a matter of days Audhumla's milk was the gate of life But soon it turned into a poisoned knife Buri was made from the salty ice
Verse III: From blood oceans and seas were made Holding a treason that shall not fade His bones shaped the mountains we climb Wild and fierce it tells the story a-for-time Out of his flesh was the earth, finally born The blue planet where all fades like seafoam That tremendous skull made the vast blue sky The witness to an awful history that cries A myth they say, a lie it might be But what I’ve learned is we can't always see