Milkman Milkman I say milkman And there milk to be delivered
Milkman! There's no need to feel down! I say milkman! Get your feet off the ground! I say milkman! Cause you're in a new town, And there. Milk. To. Be. De. Liv. Ered
Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba It's fun to deliver M. I. L. K. It's great to deliver M. I. L. K. I say milkman! Cause you're in a new town, And there. Milk. To. Be. De. Liv. Ered Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba.
Milkman! There's no need to feel down! I say milkman! Get your feet off the ground! I say milkman! Cause you're in a new town, And there. Milk. To. Be. De. Liv. Ered
Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba It's fun to deliver M. I. L. K. It's great to deliver M. I. L. K. I say milkman! Cause you're in a new town, And there. Milk. To. Be. De. Liv. Ered Ba, ba, ba, ba, ba.