Welcome to Yoglabs The home of innovation Where the only limit Is your limited imagination
But sometimes things can maybe get a bit out of hand So we've got a plan that you need to understand
Page 4 - don't ever disturb the testificates while they're working Oh, I might have already done that 'cos Mandrew got out and I was chasing him Page 7 - don't ever go in that room that has the black door on level three What's in there? Don't worry about it, it's fine.
Come with me to YogLabs babe-ay We make coffee that'll blow your cares away Take one sip and you can't help but obey Just ignore that death ray
Here in YogLabs We pioneer technology From robot girlfriends To goldfish bigonometry
So if you're feeling sick or are experiencing anti-gravity It could be either radiation or a ripped space time reality
Page 13 - if the microchip in your neck starts to itch, don't scratch it Microchip? What the hell Lewis... ow! And on page 18 - in the event of incoming missiles, please head to the bunker Pardon? What? Missiles? Don't worry about it!
Come with me to YogLabs baby We really care about your personal safety Don't you worry bout the time travel paradox Ignore that triceratops, His name is Steve
Well sacrifices must be made, to achieve world domination It'll all be over soon, don't worry about that abomination
Come with me to Yoglabs baby Only 1 fatal incident lately Initiate re-building protocol Sit back enjoy the show