well I'm 24 and yes it seems i hit the floor as far as youtube goes at least that's what my analytics show
i wanna make money failing but that 13 to 17 demo's bailing algorithms change and now i'm trailing
and i don't value this enough when ennui sets in its tough but you could call my bluff
and i've been reeling back from freelance ptsd previously i wasn't aware of how inadequate people could be
oh yeah, everyone's making it up as they go along head of a fox is fine furries don't get me wrong stressing on why could make you mad life is existence - existing aint bad
and i don't value this enough when ennui sets in its tough but you could call my bluff
I'm not hanging by a thread repetitions in my head playing sad pretend
please no pity i like sad songs its in me my favorite movie's
spare me the pity though i cant repeat it all the time - i like sad songs that rhyme