Melody, like a wind ~this story~ Leads across the time Though I'm a crybaby Now I will continue drawing my dream
ずっと気持ちを隠してきたけど 今も変わらぬ夢を探していた
I've always been hiding my feelings Even now I'm looking for the unchangeable dream
そっと口笛 この風に乗せて タメ息、吹き飛ばし ただ空に祈れば
Gently whistling and put in this wind Sigh, just blow off this pray to the sky
きっとここからさぁ、見えるよ 最高の未来が
Surely, now from here it looks like The best future
遥か空 響くこの奇跡を 抱きしめるんだ 今すぐ 水しぶき感じながら はしゃいで駆け出す
Far sky echoed in this miracle Right now, embrace it closely Feel the water spray And start running towards it with glee
いつも強がってチャンスを逃した 小さなプライドが僕の夢邪魔する
I always strongly missed the chance A small pride to disturb my dream
ここで立ち止まることなんてさぁ、 絶対しないから
I stop here, because things like these Are absolutely not (?what i wish for)
おもいっきり空に手をかざして 夢のチケット手にする 誰にも負けない強さ 気持ちはゆずれない
I'm full of feelings while raising my hand up to the sky, I want to hold a ticket of my dream in it. With a strength that will not lose to anyone, With feelings that can't be yielded.
カラフルなメモリー 今溢れるよ 零れた涙の先に 優しい風が吹くなら 僕の声乗せて 届けたいよ
Colorful memories are overflowing now In my spilled tears. If gentle wind will blow I want to send my voice with it.
不安で目の前見えなくって 時にはヘコむこともあるけど 不器用な僕の日々を もっと素直に歩き出そうよ
Anxiety that appeared in front of my eyes Will also collapse at times My daily clumsiness Will become more honest