I really want, a Cheesy McDouble But I'm Lactose intolerant- So cheese means trouble. My hungry stomach's empty--just like a bubble I wanna fill it with cheap food but not just rubble, Or Rubbish My tummy's rumblin' so I rub it I try so hard but I cannot rise above it I'm lovin' it, and I know that you love to see me smile I'm sorry I take so long, I know it's been a while I lay my order down just like flooring Tile So I reach to the console and count my change pile Nothing in my stomach but some acid and some bile If you can't hear my music let me turn up the dial (Turn music up here)
I'm eyeing number two, maybe fries too But I'm a dollar menu dude, I'm not trying to be rude I don't wanna bite off more than I can chew.. I'm stingy, with my money like a Jew I meant AHH-Chu Don't bless me, No I didn't sneeze I'm just messing :) Can I have a large sweet tea please???