Guide us to a distant place I’ll cover your skin Hang yourself to the yearning A desert before us He’s killing himself, is that what I see? I’ll breathe the essence of gloom The breathless soul Doesn’t make a turn Because it’s a mask Another head leaves some dust Killing himself, is that what I see? I’ll breathe the essence of gloom Bind your hand, cover your eyes Love the pain, the comatose state comes See the air standing still Take its essence To cover your sick breath You see no light, face and hide Fa’ che il suo pianto resti inascoltato Immobile, guardo le gocce tramutarsi in vapore Passano davanti, leccandosi si cibano Tutti assopiti nella loro falsa serenità Trovo conforto nella tua incompiutezza Assorto nell’incanto della tristezza E guardo, guardo il sole spegnersi Dietro le colline silenziose Solo un oceano di volti Solo scheletri di sabbia Ritratti su corpi deformi My hands are tight, held down I closed my eyes, I see My disease is coming, insanity I breathe and sigh, feeling no remorse Sitting alone upon a throne Of nothing I know you are my saviour The fear comes deep inside of me Pick up my tired hands while my head lies And the infinity wraps in an angry mist