English: As I look to nature’s beauty dazzled am I Knowing everything calls on you, the Most High
Arabic: Allah is the One who has guided us Through Him we become dignified
Urdu: You shower Your Mercy upon us You fill our garments with Your Blessings
German: Who is the most powerful and the Most Gracious? Who hears our prayers and gives us help? (in our time of need)
Bangla: You have created this beautiful Earth Mankind, the animals, the birds, the seas and the rivers Albanian Only You O Allah we worship Only from You we seek help
Turkish (to be added): Know, that every human will taste death. The final return is only to Him. (Allah)
French: O Lord You are the only One whom I serve I turn to You with a heart full of love
Baluchi: These palm trees and mountains mention Your name while they supplicate to You You are the keeper of all secrets in our hearts Written by Labbayk, Yousuf & Coskun