The fin-de-siecle - that golden age All those bright young things with bright young things to say
Nothing ever changes, history just rearranges Facts and dates and figures with it's finger on the trigger To protect the children, the investor's hard-earned millions While the excrement increases, time just freezes
With drawing board and pen knife the future colourists Trace the decade on their skinny wrists
Smiling, turbaned mothers and their family call the patrons 'brother' Just to make them feel like they are part of something bigger It's like they're not just filling bellies but they're selling plastic stigma And a flashing model jesus, time just freezes
Nothing ever changes, history just rearranges Slices up their faces to remove the traces Of the shock they give tomorrow, did you ever feel like you've been borrowed? Strapped to the couch? Hypnotised? Struck by the rhythm of the prophet's eyes? Who place their faith in yesterday and sell it like a perfect day Oh, when will they believe us, time just freezes