Youthinasia - Pro Rummy Death disease didn't have much sway, all I knows its too expensive getting drunk each day. Cheap 40 oz, aren't cheap enough for me, Sir Drinks-a-lot has always got, enough booze for the team Another beer my friend, I always aim to please, next to hepatitis it's my favourite disease
I'm a professional Rummy a bit short on money so when the bill is due how bout I pass it to you. I'm a professional drinker, not professional thinker, my liver sure can giv r so fuck you! Fuck the rent, fuck buying groceries, I'll just raid my couch cushions, play vacuum on my knees. Mouthwash gets me gassed, when funds just don't suffice, I'll grab some Listerine man and we'll get that shit on ice. Another beer my friend, I always aim to please, next to aids its my favourite disease
I'm a professional Rummy whose a bit short on money when the bill is due how bout I pass it to you. I'm a professional Rummy who's a bit short on money when the bill is due how bout I pass it to you. I'm a professional drinker, not professional thinker, my -* ~>& ..@.? , fuck?