Kol yom hiptsatsti et Beirut (I bombed Beirut every day) (Waltz im Bashir OST)
Kol yom hiftzatzti et Tzidon bein pitriyot ashan be'or rishon yacholti gam lachzor betoch aron kol yom hiftzatzti et Tzidon
Kol yom hiftzatzti et Beirut kol yom hiftzatzti et Beirut yatzati chai yacholti gam lamut kol yom hiftzatzti et Beirut
Belechitza kala gamarnu al anashim shelo hikarnu haragnu betach kama betaut yatzati chai yacholti gam lamut kol yom hiftzatzti et Beirut
Achshav ani yoshev po al havar ani lo kochav ani lo tipus mukar rak stam echad shebekol chalom tzolel yashar el toch hagehenum
Belechitza kala gamarnu al anashim shelo hikarnu haragnu betach kama betaut yatzati chai yacholti gam lamut velo hevanti az shezo stam stut kol yom hiftzatzti et beirut
Every day, I have bombed Sidon Among the smoky \"mushrooms\" clouds, in the first daylight I could have also returned inside of a coffin Everyday, I have bombed Sidon
Everyday, I have bombed Beirut Everyday, I have bombed Beirut If I came close to death I couldn't say, I have bombed Beirut everyday.
At the pull of a trigger we have killed people, we didn't knew We probably have killed some of them by mistake I got out from there alive, but I also could have died Everyday, I have bombed Beirut
Now, I sit here all alone in the bar I am not a star, I am not a familiar guy Just, a someone, that in every dream Dives instantly, into this hell
At the pull of a trigger we have killed people, we didn't knew We probably have killed some of them by mistake I got out from there alive, but I also could have died Everyday, I have bombed Beirut