Plastic peace insulates me from the world. Save me from Mother Nature. (I fell far from the tree) Product of man.
Average adolescents getting sad on anti-depressants. Take another pill for the side effects. I need air conditioning. My one and only condition. Convenience is no different from survival.
I run in place. No sun on my face. I rest my head on my two thousand dollar bed. Sleep until I'm dead.
Sweet memories of plush memory foam. I drink fiber from a glass in my fiberglass home. I'm sinking down in my 5.1 surround sound. I drown. I drown in sound.
The wind stings my face so I bought a desk fan. I'm not part of nature. I'm a product of man. The perfect ashtray is made out of beach sand. I'm not part of nature. I'm a product of man. No cancer from a fake tan. I'm not part of nature. I'm a product of man.