Hecher beser, di rod di rod macht greser Groys hot mir g't gemacht, glik hot er mir gebracht Hulyet kinder di gantse nacht Di mesinke oysgegebn, di mesinke oysgegebn
Shtarker freilech, du di malke ich der melech Oy oy oy ich alayn, hob mit mayne oygn geseyn Wi g't hot mich matsliech gewen, di mesinke Oysgegebn, di mesinke oysgegebn
Itsik, Shpittsik, wos shwaygstu mitn shmitsik Oyf di klesmer gib a geshray, tsi shpiln sey Tsi shlofn sey, rays di strunes ale oyf tswey Di mesinke oysgegebn
Asik, Masik, di bobe geyt a kosik, on eyn hore Set nur set, wi si tupet wi si tret Oy a simche, oy a freyd, di mesinke oysgegebn
Der trayer feter yosse di gute mume sosye Hobn mir tsum chosn-mol tayre waynen on a tsol Mir geshikt fun erets yisroel, di mesinke oysgegebn
Motl, shimen, do oreme layt senen gekumen Shtelt far sey dem sheynsten tish, tayre wayn Un tayre fish, oy mayn tochte gib mir a kush Di mesinke oysgegebn
Louder, better! Make the circle bigger, God has brought me good fortune and joy. Rejoice, children, a whole night, I'm marrying off my youngest daughter.
Stronger! Be happy, You the Queen, I the King, I have seen with my own eyes how God has made me successful, I'm marrying off my youngest daughter.
Itzik, you rascal! Why is your bow silent? Shout at the musicians, Are they playing or are they sleeping? Rip all the strings in two, I'm marrying off my youngest daughter.
Izik, Mazik, grandma is dancing the Kozatzka, \"No evil eye\" - have a look, look How she is tapping and stepping, What a celebration, what a joy, I'm marrying off my youngest daughter.
Dear Uncle Yossi, the good Auntie Sosye, Sent me, for the groom's meal, Endless expensive wine, From the land of Israel, I'm marrying off my youngest daughter.
Motl, Simon, the poor people have arrived. Set for them the nicest table, Fine wine and expensive fish, Oh my daughter, give me a kiss! I'm marrying off my youngest daughter.