1. Oy dortn dortn ibern vaserl Oy dortn dortn ibern brik Fartribn hot men mikh in di vaytene lender Un benken benk ikh nokh dir tzurik 2. Oy, vifl oventlech, tsuzamen gezesen Oy, vifl oventlech, shpet in detr nacht. Oy, vifl trerelech mir hobn fargosn, Oy, biz mir hobn di libe tsuzamen gebracht. 3. O, helf mir, gotenyu, o Got in himl, O, helf mir, gotenyu, s'iz mir nisht gut, Shoyn zayt dray yorelekh, vi mir shpiln libe, Oy oys shpiln di libe konen mir nit. 4. Oy dayne oygelekh, vi di shvartze karshelekh Un dayne lipelekh - vi rozeve papir. Un dayne fingerlekh - vi tint un feder Un shraybn zolstu ofte briv tzu mir. English
1. Far away across the water, far away across the bridge, I have been away to the far-off land, and I am crying my heart out for you alone. 2. Oh, many evenings we sat together Oh,Many evenings 'til late in the night. Oh, How many tears we shed Oh, Until our love brought us together. 3. Help me, God, Great God in Heaven, help me! We've been playing at love for three years, and we are still at it, and there's no end to it. 4. Your eyes are like black cherries. Your lips are like pink paper. Your fingers are like ink and quill. Write to me often...