Once upon a time there was a tavern, Where we used to raise a glass or two. Remember how we laughed away the hours, And dreamed of all the great things we would do. Refrain: Those were the days my friend, We'd thought they'd never end, We'd sing and dance for-ever and a day, We'd live the life we choose, We'd fight and never lose, For we were young and sure to have our way. Lalala lah lala, lalala lah lala
Just tonight I stood before the tavern, Nothing seemed the way it used to be. In the glass I saw a strange reflection, Was that lonely person really me. Refrain:
Ехали на тройке с бубенцами, А вдали мелькали огоньки. Эх, когда бы мне теперь за вами, Душу бы развеять от тоски.
Дорогой длинною, да ночкой лунною Да с песней той, что вдаль летит звеня, Да с той старинною, да семиструнною, Что по ночам так мучила меня.
Анастасия Спиридонова - "Ты же выжил, солдат!" Анастасия Спиридонова в социальных сетях: ... Анастасия Спиридонова - Дорогой длинною (Once upon a time) в FullHD - Duration: 3:47.