16. Harry Forever – Look at this line, Jane! It’s half a mile long! What’s going on? – Don’t you know? The one hundred fiftieth or so, book of Harry Potter by the famous author Rowling is out today. All of her fans are standing in line to buy it. – No way! And, what about that fat, bald chap in his… fifties? He’s dressed up like a clown: night gown, idiotic hat and all. What’s he supposed to be? – Your ignorance is appalling, my friend. He’s Harry Potter, the young magician fighting the evil. – I know! I know! The… what’s his name… Potner chap fights the evil Agent Smith and the Matrix! And… – You savage! Don’t you know anything about the mass culture? The Matrix was fought by Neo. He was the Chosen One. And, there was also Morpheus and that chick in tight shiny trousers you liked so much. – I remember! It comes back to me now. We went to see it together, right? – Right. You were late for the show; I was angry at you and didn’t talk to you for some time. – Yeah, I do remember. But, look at those people; what a herd of nitwits! – Yes, my friend, the brain-dead rule the world...