she loves me the way that she loves clear blue sky and therefore I stay, therefore I’m beginning to lie to cover my hidden emotions, thoughts crossing my mind once in a while
she feels about me the same way that she feels about mountain and see and therefore I pray that one day I believe that’s the way thing should be I should be hiding emotions, thoughts crossing my mind once in a while
I inhale the air of resentment against my will I am lacking contentment, well, that’s how I feel uncontrolled attacks of good conscience never go out of style so I guess you’ll be hearing from me once in a while
she loves me the way that she loves falling white snow and therefore I am running away therefore I can’t stay I go hidden emotions thought crossing my mind ‘been driving me crazy most of the time
I’ve tasted female devotion it’s solid and warm I am in total commotion turns out that I am not that strong uncontrolled attacks of good conscience never go out of style so I guess you’ll be hearing from me once in a while