SHRI-RUPA SHRI-SANATANA BHATTA-RAGHUNATHA SHRI-JIVA GOPALA-BHATTA DASA-RAGHUNATHA This is a song of the great Vaishnava acharya Narottama das Thakur. From the purport to it by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad: «…Lord Chaitanya began to sing the names of Krishna and clap His hands, and He began His nama-sankirtana movement. The names He sang are the first two lines of this song… Then Narottama das Thakur chants the names of Lord Chaitanya, Nityananda, Shri Advaita and Sita (Lord Advaita’s consort). Since Lord Hari, the spiritual master and the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita are all on the transcendental platform, they are given the same respect. Then Shrila Narottama das chants the names of the six Gosvamis (holy persons). «I offer my obeisances at their feet,» he sings, «which destroy sufferings accumulated over many long years. I am the servant of these six Gosvamis, and the dust of their lotus feet is my five kinds of foodstuffs. To serve their lotus feet and keep the association of devotees of God is my only business, birth after birth.»