Be yourself Don't give up Be yourself Do not relax Be yourself Don`t give a damn Be yourself Come on you can!
Everyday it`s war you do Everyday I care for you Once you opened your eyes You got your strength You found yourself
Fight fight, don`t give up Fight fight fight bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat beat beat bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat beat beat bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat!
No one`s first, no one`s second If you do, you do your best Don`t give a damn of anyone Just be yourself! Your fear is gone!
Everyday it`s war you do Everyday I care for you Once you opened your eyes You got your strength You found yourself
Fight fight, don`t give up Beat beat beat bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat beat beat bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat beat beat bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat!
Be yourself Don't give up Be yourself Do not relax Be yourself Don`t give a damn Be yourself Come on you can!
Fight fight, don`t give up Beat beat beat bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat beat beat bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat beat beat bitch! Fight fight, don`t give up Beat!