Версии: #1#2 White stork flies, Over the white woodlands he flies, Belorussian motif In the song heather, in the song willows. All the earth accepts and care and kindness and flame, flickering over the earth The sunset like a crimson banner.
Chorus: My youth, Belorussia. Song of a partisan, pine trees to the fog. Song of a partisan, scarlet dawn. My youth, Belorussia.
Our memory passes Along the forest path of the partisans, Never regrew, These paths in the national destiny. The pain of these past years Lives in and fills each heart, In each of our families The young children of Khatyn weep.
White stork flies, over the woodlands, over quiet stubble Somewhere in the wetlands of the marsh The remaining thunder burried. White stork flies, On and on he flies over his native fields, The land of our love he signals with big wings.