I don't mind If you leave here tomorrow If I can hold you tonight Emptiness in the garden of wanting If I could hold you tonight
'Cause I've been listening to the radio And it's been telling me to be alone But now I'm singing out here on their lawn Simple song Please don't ask me why I feel afraid Take these thoughts and feelings to the grave Let us laugh and cry it's all the same Simple song Prove me wrong
Sleep tonight On a bed made of promise Let your hope be your light Dream tonight Let each breath fill the darkness And your love fills your life
'Cause I've been listening to the radio And it's been telling me to be alone But now I'm singing out here on their lawn Simple song Please don't ask me why I feel afraid Take these thoughts and feelings to the grave Let us laugh and cry it's all the same Simple song Prove me wrong
I've been listening to the radio And it's been telling me to be alone But now I'm singing out here on their lawn Simple song Please don't ask me why I feel afraid Take these thoughts and feelings to the grave Let us laugh and cry it's all the same Simple song Prove me wrong
Oh tonight See the trees they are turning While I hold you tonight
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