- + Tell me why Скажи почему I’m lying wide awake, My head is spinning over you Dark of night, no stars in sight You’re dreaming next to me Afraid to close my eyes Cause I don’t wanna miss a moment of you Don’t want to dream now No dream could be as beautiful as you are Tell me what have I done to deserve something this beautiful
Tell me why Am I the one your heart belongs to, why me? Tell me why Am I the one who won a place in your heart, why me? Tell me why do you love me, why is it me you want?
Before you came the days just passed But now I am soakin’ up each second Within me a thousand suns arise And I’m prayinп for them never to disappear Tell me what have I done to deserve something this beautiful
Tell me, why I deserve you And why I hear you say “I love you, girl”
Tell me why Am I the one your heart belongs to, why me? Tell me why Am I the one who won a place in your heart, why me? Tell me why Am I the one your heart belongs to, why me? Tell me why Am I the one who won a place in your heart, why me?
Tell me, why I deserve you Tell me, why I deserve you Tell me, why I deserve you
LaFee - Tell me why Am I the one your heart belongs to, why me? Tell me why Am I the one who won a place in your heart, why me? Tell me why do you love me, why is it... (0)
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