A crystal river is flowing and falling below Fact or fiction I've heard the tale of death lady's cove Many men come here to seek the enchantress divine lured by her power to heal saddened, heartbroken minds She stands behind the falls that crush the bodies onto jagged lime Blood mixed with water a crimson stream now washes through mine
I can hear her song, a haunted melody I can now see her face, unequaled beauty
Legend does say a fearless heart will cross the falls unharmed But who doth have a fearless heart that's also broken
A warrior am I who's fought not wars of swords and armor The thirst of loneliness I've tried to quench for all my life
Moving closer I gaze onto healing emerald eyes Song of solace breathes through the lips of soothing red wine Long flowing hair blows through whispers of wind from my dreams Two arms that will embrace and hands that will caress my longing face
Her voice now calls me clear my fear's abandoned Lustful were other men whose souls have fallen
Can't see the spray that whips my face and robs the air I breathe Thunder falls, such power that it dwarfs my body
Yet I continue on even if it means that I will drown to know that I have felt the hope she gives forever moving
Moving on and on To what ending? I still hear her song Under or through the waterfall I now shall go
Behind me water falls my body is left behind My soul now in her arms enchanted I'll remain on, on forever on...forever enchanted