Some wiser man than I once spoke That life at heart is all a joke But he was not embroiled in smoke So it’s pump, me boys, before we choke.
CHORUS Pump, me boys, let her fly Down to hell and up to the sky Bend your backs and break your bones We’re just a million miles from home.
The image of my sweetheart’s face It fires my heart and sets the pace Whate’er the time, whate’er the place I’ll find him through the depths of space.
I long to lie atop my bed With pleasant dreams inside my head But pumping’s all I get instead I’ll only sleep among the dead
My blood is pooling on the floor And every second I lose more, But there’s so many meds in store I’ll do the work of three or four
The engine fumes will scorch your lungs The air is thick, your eyes are stung, But there’s no clean air left to run This pumping business ain’t much fun.
The outer hull is shot to hell The thrust has just one plasma cell My joints and muscles ache and swell So fuck the Rose, and you as well!
A transport mission gone awry, Attacked by Cole and left to fry, Is no excuse, boys, let us cry: “Today is not the day we die!”