If i could change the world If i could heal the pain In every broken soal In every bleeding vein If i could touch the sky And I`m thinking what if i could If i could turn back time What would i change if i could
I`m a dreamer and im not alone I`m a believer my faith is strong I`m a dreamer i can touch the sky I`m a dreamer the world is my
I`ve got this on my side In all my little plans dont wanna live my life like im someone else So why am i so small And why am i so weak I wanna change the world My world is chaging me
And i`m a dreamer And i`m not alone I`m a believer My faith is strong Im a dreamer I can touch the sky I`m a dreamer The world is mine
I don`t hear every words that makes me down I wanna break my pretty cage and run I don`t hear every words that makes me down
I`m a dreamer im not alone I`m a believer my faith is strong I`m a dreamer i can touch the sky I`m a dreamer and the world is mine
Контрабанда.com.ua - Dreamer (official music video) Смотри украинские музыкальные клипы! Здесь и сейчас! http://www.youtube. com/user/CompMusicLimited/featured (c) 2015 Comp ...
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