Щербатая What does that whispy little brat have that you don't have double?
Синяя Звезда She can't hold a candle to the beauty of your smile
Пёстролистая How about a pulse?
Щербатая Overrated by a mile
Синяя Звезда Overbearing
Щербатая Overblown
Щербатая и Синяя Звезда If he only knew the you that we know
Пёстролистая (sigh)
Синяя Звезда And that silly little creature isn't wearing his ring
Щербатая And she doesn't play piano
Щербатая и Синяя Звезда Or dance
Щербатая Or sing
Щербатая и Синяя Звезда No she doesn't compare
Пёстролистая But she still breathes air
Синяя Звезда Who cares?
Щербатая Unimportant
Синяя Звезда Overrated
Щербатая Overblown
Щербатая и Синяя Звезда If only he could see How special you can be If he only knew the you that we know
Пёстролистая If I touch a burning candle I can feel the pain If you cut me with a knife it's still the same And I know her heart is beating And I know that I am dead Yet the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it's not real For it seems that I still have a tear to shed
Щербатая The sure redeeming feature From that little creature Is that she's alive
Синяя Звезда Overrated
Щербатая Overblown
Синяя Звезда Everybody know that's just a temporary state Which is cured very quickly when we meet our fate
Щербатая Who cares?
Синяя Звезда Unimportant
Щербатая Overrated
Синяя Звезда Overblown
Щербатая и Синяя Звезда If only he could see How special you can be If he only knew the you that we know
Пёстролистая If I touch a burning candle I can feel no pain In the ice or in the sun it's all the same Yet I feel my heart is acheing Though it doesn't beat it's breaking And the pain here that I feel Try and tell me it's not real I know that I am dead Yet it seems that I still have some tears to shed