Shpil zhe mir a lidele in yiddish, Dervekn zol es freyd un nit keyn chidesh,- Az ale, groys un kleyn, Zoln kenen dos farshteyn - Fun moyl tsu moyl dos lidele zol geyn !
Shpil, shpil, klezmerl, shpil - Veyst doch, vos ich meyn un vos ich vil ; Shpil, shpil ! Shpil a lidele far mir, Shpil a lidele mit harts un mit gefil !
A lidele on ziftsn un on trern - Shpil azoy, az ale zoln hern, Az ale zoln zen: Ich leb un zingen ken Shener noch un beser, vi geven !
Shpil, Shpil....
Shpil zhe mir a lidl vegn sholem ! Zol shoyn zayn sholem - nit keyn cholem ! Az felker, groys un kleyn, Zoln kenen dos farshteyn, On krign un milchomes zich bageyn...
Shpil, Shpil...
Lomir zingen s lidele tsuzamen, Vi gute fraynd, vi kinder fun eyn mamen ! Mayn eyntsiker farlang: S zol klingen fray un frank In alemens gezang - oych mayn gezang !
Shpil, Shpil...
1. Play me a little song in the Jewish spirit Let it bring joy and no misery Let everyone - the old and the young - Learn it by heart Let it be sung from mouth to mouth
Refrain Play, little klezmer, play You know what my thoughts and wishes are Play a tune for me, play a little song with spirit
2 This little song without sighs or tears Sing for everyone to hear it, And for everyone to see me still alive and singing, Singing better than I used to sing before
3. Play me a song about peace And may it be real peace, and not an illusion May all nations - great and small - live without wars Let us sing the little song together As good friends, as children of one mother My only wish is, May this song be heard among all other songs in the general chorus