Don't wanna be an American idiot. Don't want a nation under the new media. And can you hear the sound of hysteria? The subliminal mind-f*** America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones that meant to follow. Fore thats enough to argue
Well maybe I'm the f**et America. I'm not a part of a redneck agenda. Now everybody do the propaganda. And sing along to the age of paranoia.
Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones that meant to follow. Fore thats enough to argue
Don't wanna be an American idiot. One nation controlled by the media. Information age of hysteria. It's going out to idiot America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension. All across the alien nation. Everything isn't meant to be okay. Television dreams of tomorrow. We're not the ones that meant to follow. Fore thats enough to argue
Green Day - American Idiot [GOOD MUSIC FM -] (0)
Sum 41 - American Idiot (0)
Verda tago - Americano Idioto (0)
туноби бий этс ная аври яяя,,, дада вот садийза... - ильи :-0 (0)
Green Day - American Idiot zet (0)
Green Эдик - Belarussian Idiot (0)
rt - q (0)
День здорового питания - Американский папаша (0)
зеленыый день - Скрилекс (0)
Red night - Russian Nerd (0)
Green Day and The Cast of 'American Idiot' - American Idiot (0)
Dick Brave & the Backbeats - American Idiot (0)
The Rocker Covers - American Idiot (0)
Green Day - American Idiot(djd) (0)
JT - American Idiot (0)
зеленоглазое такси - American Idiot (0)
Ля-ля-ля - вини-пух (0)
The Vitamin String Quartet - American Idiot (Green Day Cover) (0)
GDay - American Idiot (0)
G D - Amn Id (0)
Альтернатива - 1 (0)
4Green Day - American Idiot (0)
Green Da - American Idio (0)
Red Day - American Idiot (0)
Green Gay - Gay Idiot (0)
з е л е н ы й д е н ь - а м е р и к а н с к и й и д и о т (0)
Михаил Задорнов "Они тупые!" Михаил Задорнов ® Единственное ... Михаил Задорнов "Тупые американцы" ("Ангажемент ...
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Михаил Задорнов — Они тупые! DJ Valtovich remix) (2) Михаил Задорнов — Они тупые! DJ Valtovich remix) (2) .... Барак Обама убит американским морпехом. 8 ноября 2014 ...
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