Once my friend and I went to the shop I had little money and he has a lot I brought some vodka to drink it with him I showed it to him I read to him What you say if we drink it together What you say if we love each other forever What you say if we sing a song and I belonga to you no longa
Hey madman, get rid of this shit He said man get rid of this shit I know you miss me I'll bring you whiskey Hey madman, get rid of this shit Don't be ashamed of yourself
Музыкальный Коллектив Петра Налича - 1SolodoWiskey (0)
Shantel - One Solodo Whiskey (0)
Петр Налич "One solodo whiskey" Петр Налич "One solodo whiskey". 66IHA ... Published on Nov 20, 2013. МКПН в клубе "Зал ...
Пётр Налич - One Solodo Whiskey, Sugar Lies (Артплэй, 24 ... Музыкальный коллектив Петра Налича, Крыша Artplay, Москва, 24 июля 2014.
Петр Налич One Solodo Whiskey Анимация Animation Петр Налич One Solodo Whiskey Анимация Animation. kindvan ... Пётр Налич и МКПН в Хайфе 12.04.2014г ...