Morning in Ponyville shimmers Morning in Ponyville shines And I know for absolute certain That everything is certainly fine There’s the Mayor en route to her office
There’s the sofa clerk selling some quills Clerk: Morning, kid! My Ponyville is so gentle and still Can things ever go wrong? I don’t think that they will Morning in Ponyville shimmers Morning in Ponyville shines And I know for absolute certain That everything is certainly…
Radio MyBrony - Доброе Утро Понивиль ( Good Morning Ponyville ... Radio MyBrony - Доброе Утро Понивиль ( Good Morning Ponyville ) .... Мой маленький пони на русском ...
MLP Ponyville / Обзор пони Pinkie Pie / Melanie Breise ... Моя коллекция - 101 пони - My Little Pony - 2 часть .... My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic - Morning In ...