When I was just a filly, I found it rather silly To see how many ponies I could meet. I had my books to read, Didn't know that I would need Other ponies to make my life complete.
But there was one colt that I cared for I knew he would be there for me.
My big brother, best friend forever! Like two peas in a pod we did everything together He taught me how to fly a kite (Best friend forever!) We never had a single fight (We did everything together!) We shared our hopes, we shared our dreams I miss him more than I realized, it seems.
My big brother, best friend forever! Like two peas in a pod we did everything together And though he's oh so far away I hope that he would stay My big brother best friend, forever!
He was my big brother best friend -- forever... And now we'll never do anything, together...
My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic - Важный вечер(Карусель) (0)
MandoPony; Daniel Ingram - B.B.B.F.F. (0)
Forest Rain & The Beatles Bronies - BBBFF (0)
Мои маленькие пони - Старший братец. (0)
My little pony песня Искорки(Twilight Sparkle)-Старший брат(rus ... My little pony песня Искорки(Twilight Sparkle)-Старший брат(rus/рус) ..... Мой маленький пони шоколадные яйца My ...
My little pony песня всех + Искорка(Twilight Sparkle)-Первый день ... Озвучка карусели. Фрагмент песни взят из 1 сезона 11 серии. http://yadi.sk/d/ wo_IZnMIF8BCE -скачать mp3.
Песня Искорки Мои рисунки Монстер хай/и/другие - Duration: 11:38. by Ася Козлова 118,696 views. 11:38 ... My little pony песня всех ...