Fi Al Awel , Sibna olobna tsallem, olna salam lellah -In the beginning, we left our hearts to greet each other, and we thought they were ordinary greetings ( like Salam Alaykom)
Fi Al A'akher sabna hawana w ba'adeen olna la hawl lillah -And lastly our love has caught us deeply, and we found ourelves saying, " Oh my God! What a nice trouble it was!!"
Ma kan malna w mal el hob? shaghal balna w ta'ab el alb -Why did we let us love each other? It's just the reason of a painful heart, and anxious mind
Ma konna bhalna w adina bieedna ekhtarna ta'abna w rohna maah -We were free, and here we are: we have chosen our pain by our choice and followed it until we got ourselves to this pain
dawebna el hawa dawebna , we olna a'gabna el hawa we gameel -We loved each other so much, and it looked so amazing to love this way
we eshi'na w lamma te'bna alina se'ebna seherna elllil -We kept on loving each other, and when we felt it so hard we felt ourselves tired of it and heart-sicked, we didn't sleep all night
olna ya retna sme'ena kalam, wala maddina edeen le salam -We blamed ourselves for ignoring others' advices, and regretted every hand-shake we made
wala hannina ne'ish ayam, wala habbina w olna el A'ah -We wish we never dreamed of being together living our dreams, and we never loved each other and felt this pain