Winx come back to us, Winx hurry to friends. Vmese we are always so good to win. Winx forever with you In the race for a dream. It should only believe in miracles!
Every day, will play! Every day, we live in a world of magic. We are free, we can fly. Know one thing, everything will be as you want! It should only believe in miracles!
Winx come back to us, Winx hurry to friends. We Vmese that good always wins. Winx forever with you In the race for a dream. It should only believe in miracles!
Winx hand in hand. Winx true to yourself. Together, we are always, because love is so beautiful. In heaven we fly, Tvrim wonders! This world together we were surprised, This world is for us to Stobo And VIIIIIINKS!!