The child, pay taxes, Pay taxes, Taxes to love. Hide we touchy persons, We touchy persons Also we begin again.
You smoke? Of whom you make a fool, It is not fashionable, after all it not success I am Perhaps, free, Then you too be not such as all.
Refrain: When tears and a pain, Always I near to you. When tears and laughter, Then... After all this pain not for all.
Again tell though a word All is familiar to me, after all it about love Again on all it is ready, I will find an occasion You an exit prepare.
The child, do not cry, it is not necessary Has soiled - all right, Though could not love. The payment, for all is a payment There will be no protection, It is necessary to pay.
Refrain: When tears and a pain, Always I near to you. When tears and laughter, Then... This pain not for all.