was composed during an intense period in studio C at GRM in Paris during the summer of 1991. Since I was invited to make a piece at this very honorable institution, it came naturally to do something that related closely to the historical tradition represented by GRM. Concept as well as material and compositional methods lies within the basic framework of the classical “musique concréte”. Though Through its lyrics the piece is self explanatory, but some background information may still come in handy. “Les objets obscures” (the hidden objects) is a set of riddles partly describing the physical object producing the sounding material, partly describing some aspect of the musical content of each movement. The answer to these riddles may be found in each of the four movements. It works like this; a short text is read (in french) presenting the riddle, immediately followed by a movement ( i.e. the musical equivalent of the riddle). Each movement is based upon sounds and transformations of sounds produced by one single everyday object (like a comb, a cup, whatever...). One movement - one object. In the end of the last movement the “solution” of all the riddles is presented. These answers, however, set up a new “inner” riddle, to which no answer is given.