Always in a rush Never stay on the phone long enough Why am I so self-important? Said I’d see you soon But that was, oh, maybe a year ago Didn’t know time was of the essence Always in a rush Never stay on the phone long enough Why am I so self-important?
So many questions But I’m talking to myself I know that you can’t hear me any more Not anymore So many questions But I’m talking to myself I know that you can’t hear me any more Not anymore
Said I’d see you soon But that was, oh, maybe a year ago Didn’t know time was of the essence Always in a rush Never stay on the phone long enough Why am I so self-important?
So many questions But I’m talking to myself I know that you can’t hear me any more Not anymore So many questions But I’m talking to myself I know that you can’t hear me any more Not anymore
Said I’d see you soon But that was, oh, maybe a year ago Didn’t know time was of the essence Always in a rush Never stay on the phone long enough Why am I so self-important?
So many questions But I’m talking to myself I know that you can’t hear me any more Not anymore
Always talking shit Took your advice and did the opposite Just being young and stupid I haven’t been all that you could’ve hoped for But if you’d held on a little longer You’d have had more reasons to be proud
So many questions But I’m talking to myself I know that you can’t hear me any more Not anymore So many questions But I’m talking to myself I know that you can’t hear me any more Not anymore
Так много людей умирают, у меня была мечта, чтобы они жили под солнцем Так много людей, и так мало времени, чтобы показать чего они добились Поцелуй эту бомбу замеделенного действия, чей-то войны
Один из миллиона, идет со мной по одной дороге Так много людей идут воевать, так много людей вынуждают идти на преступления Я не могу делать также и я буду побеждать
Ты знаешь мальчик работал в журнальном киоске в конце своей жизни Ты разве не помнишь, как он оказался в безвыходном положении Повешанный, как солдат, храбрый и отважный.