Единственная запись голоса, слелана Томасом Эдисоном... (Запись 07.10.1889 г.).
[Announcer:] Friedrichsruh am siebten Oktober
[Bismarck:] In good old colony times, When we lived under the King, Three roguish chaps fell into mishaps Because they could not sing.
Als Kaiser Rotbart lobesam Zum heil'gen Land gezogen kam, Da mußt er mit dem frommen Heer Durch ein Gebirge wüst und leer.
Gaudeamus igitur, juvenes dum sumus. Post jucundam juventutem, post molestam senectutem nos habebit humus.
Allons enfants de la Patrie Le jour de gloire est arrivé Contre nous de la tyrannie L'étendard sanglant est levé.
Treibe alles in Maßen und Sittlichkeit, namentlich das Arbeiten, dann aber auch das Essen, und im Übrigen gerade auch das Trinken. Rat eines Vaters an seinen Sohn.
Friedrichsruh on the seventh of October 1889.
When good Emperor Redbeard Was journeying to the Holy Land, He had to go with his pious army Through mountains desolate and empty.
Let us rejoice, therefore, While we are young. After a pleasant youth After a troubling old age The earth will have us.
Arise, children of the Fatherland, The day of glory has arrived!Against us of tyranny The bloody banner is raised.
Do everything in moderation and morality, namely work, but then also eating, and apart from that especially drinking. Advice of a father to his son.