It happened…. Unusually… Unexpectedly… truly… and so gently.. It happened with me…. Ya Allah….O Allah…. I really Love Him.. for the sake of Allah! I want to be with him, feel his air, smell his sense, see his gaze, and deeply drawn to his black and unbelievably beautiful amazing eyes.. I love Him, Ya Allah help me! Help me to overcome this shaytan’s claim and act.. I know that I must be patient and very obedient muslim girl waiting for my future husband… but I still Hope that He will be my ever-forever partner of my deen, heart and Ahirat. .. Promise!!! I will share with Him my Life, my belief… my Imaan and will further strengthen my Imaan in Allah! Ya Allah I know it’s not proper timing for bagging you about it, but I believe that you are the most Merciful, Kind and Generous who grants His slave with unbelievably presents and gifts.. me too waiting for this… striving to reach your satisfaction on me… trying to be best Musslimah…. On the way of being good daughter, sister, friend and future Wife and Mother.. Mother how sweet it sounds… by pronouncing this word, the whole magnificent things like love and patience, dignity and honor, honesty and pureness come to the mind of each person.. Every girl wants to be a mother, even those who regret to be A Wife.. Nevertheless, they accept it deep inside. Hoping that Allah will grant me with the man to whom I gave my heart, mind and soul, I will pray to be patient and strong in the exams of this Dunya … ……..InwaAllah!......... M@