П.И. Чайковский, Михаил Плетнёв, Российский Национальный Оркестр - ''Евгений Онегин'', Op.24 - Опера в концертном исполнении (live in Moscow, 13.09.2012) - III акт (VI и VII картины). | Текст песни и Перевод на русский
''Евгений Онегин'', Op.24 - Опера в концертном исполнении (live in Moscow, 13.09.2012) - III акт (VI и VII картины).
September 13, 2012. RNO Grand Festival. Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Moscow. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Eugene Onegin (opera in concert performance) Act 3.
Larina, lady of the manor - Svetlana Sozdateleva; Tatyana, her daughter - Dina Kuznetsova; Olga, Tatyana's sister - Alina Shakirova; Filippyevna, a nurse - Irina Udalova; Lensky - Alexei Tatarintsev; Yevgeny Onyegin - Igor Golovatenko; Prince Gremin - Stanislav Shvets; Zaretsky - Grigory Shkarupa; Triquet, a Frenchman - Konstantin Pluzhnikov; Russian National Orchestra, Moscow Chamber Choir; Mikhail Pletnev - conductor.
Act 3, Scene 1: The house of a rich nobleman in St Petersburg. Years have passed, during which Onegin has travelled extensively around Europe. Standing alone at a ball, he reflects on the emptiness of his life and his remorse over the death of Lensky. Prince Gremin enters with Tatyana, his wife, now a grand, aristocratic beauty. She is greeted by many of the guests with great deference. Onegin is taken aback when he sees Tatyana, and deeply impressed by her beauty and noble bearing. Tatyana, in turn, is overwhelmed with emotion when she recognizes him. Gremin tells Onegin about his great happiness and love for Tatyana, and re-introduces Onegin to his wife. Onegin, suddenly injected with new life, realizes that he is in love with Tatyana. He determines to write to her and arrange a meeting.
Act 3, Scene 2: A room in Prince Gremin's house. Tatyana has received Onegin's letter, which has stirred up the passion she felt for him as a young girl and disturbed her. Onegin enters. Tatyana recalls her earlier feelings and asks why Onegin is pursuing her now. Is it because of her social position? Onegin denies any cynical motivation: his passion is real and overwhelming. Tatyana, moved to tears, reflects how near they once were to happiness but nevertheless asks him to leave. He asks her to have pity. Tatyana admits she still loves Onegin, but asserts that their union can never be realized, as she is now married, and determined to remain faithful to her husband. Onegin implores her to relent, but she bids him farewell forever, leaving him alone and in despair.
13 сентября 2012 года. Четвертый Большой Фестиваль РНО. Петр Ильич Чайковский, "Евгений Онегин". Опера в концертном исполнении. Третье действие.
19. Полонез 20. Сцена и ария Гремина 21. Сцена и ариозо Онегина 22. Финальная сцена
Солисты: Татьяна - Дина Кузнецова (сопрано, США); Ольга - Алина Шакирова (меццо-сопрано); Ларина, помещица - Светлана Создателева (сопрано); Филиппьевна, няня - Ирина Удалова (сопрано); Евгений Онегин - Игорь Головатенко (баритон); Ленский - Алексей Татаринцев (тенор); Князь Гремин - Станислав Швец (бас); Зарецкий - Григорий Шкарупа (бас); Трике, француз - Константин Плужников (тенор); Российский Национальный Оркестр; Московский камерный хор п/у Владимира Минина; Дирижёр - Михаил Плетнёв
П.И. Чайковский, Михаил Плетнёв, Российский Национальный Оркестр - ''Евгений Онегин'', Op.24 - Опера в концертном исполнении (live in Moscow, 13.09.2012) - III акт (VI и VII картины). (0)
Пётр Ильич Чайковский - ''Евгений Онегин'' III акт (VI и VII картины). (0)