Get out into the void , closed blanket tears. Do not be afraid to let go of a dream castle in the air . Think along the way, leave a trail of dream . All the pain behind - because the heart is no more. Let down into the darkness of the tent of white roses, Forget the sweet warmth of recent tears. Imagine that you yl lying on the bottom. Amid the proud peaks in the dark angel .
Chorus: Nobody is crying .. life is nothing Nobody is crying .. and keep friends in the bargain Nobody wants .. you understand nobody wants No one can .. let you into their world , no one can
Blow by blow directly into the soul of an effort . And life - in pieces - turned to ice . Do not touch those dreams that are still burning . Close , put out his eyes boiling . It is not necessary to wake up the snows of yesteryear . Chill out, scream betrayal followed , Love , Let this dawn. It is no more . It is no more .
Полина Буторина, "Nobody's Crying" - Kinder МУЗ Awards ... Победительница в категории "Лучшая песня года" Полина Буторина. " Nobody's Crying" (музыка: Александр Нехворостный / слова:&n...