Holocaust hopes Fly in the sky Holocaust turns on So warm & clear Jolly sun shines Somebody's dying Somebody's born
Holocaust goes on
We were ready to live We were ready to die We were ready to read books We were ready to cry We were ready to fly We were ready to catch hooks
But something's already flying the sky We were not ready to see This is the Holocaust hangs Holocaust lies Holocaust for you Holocaust for me
Hush! Why'd you whispered only now? When you've seen it up... Why didn't you say it earlier? Why didn't you say it earlier?
Holocost hopes Holocost dreams Holocost is on Everybody could see Everybody could touch Everybody could learn
Sure? we were busy, We had no time Sure, we were trying to ask... Present was easy Future is fine Past was past we were alone - & then...
Holocaust women Holocaust men Holocaust in the street Holocaust you are Holocaust I am Holocaust hands Holocaust feet
Holocaust children play in the yard Holocaust dogs bark Holocaust heavy Holocaust hard Holocaust - love Holocaust - fuck
Holocaust comes as wisper in the night In a kiss, in a smile Holocaust bursts in atomic fire sound as a funeral pipe with my guitar...
& when I ask you - \"Where do we go from here?\" It comes with our fear
Why d'you look at me So strange? I'm still not mad I just remember ocean rangers Hounding for me & then the stars became lamps I still belived - somewhere must be Hidden door out & not anything's over You know what I'm talking about
Do you scared of something else Are you sure you know the way If you know the way - would you just say?