I Am So Sad. So Very, Very Sad (ft. Jack McAnulty of Failure)
Sing me that song again About how in the end \"Maybe we can just be friends”
But we can't; I'm just a dead end
I'm born from dirt Beaten, broken and hurt I’ve lived this life knowing I'll die for nothing Cause that's what I'm worth
Ashes to ashes We all fall down Ashes to ashes Someone put me In the ground
Ashes to ashes dust to dirt All I'll ever know is hurt You held my head under the waves Replaceable, I took your word One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four Put me in the ground let me sleep forever more Drain the fluids from my wrist Tell me why I should exist
If there was a book I could read Or words I could say Any-fucking-thing to make me change my ways I'd do it all in a second and never look back But you’d be there to remind me of the things that I lack.
How can I learn from my past When I can’t look back? I’ll call this the end As it all fades to black